Your Personal Relations Manager.
Mia assists you in networking events, business meetings, and social gatherings.
You meet a lot of interesting people, but remembering where and when you interacted and what were the points of interest is difficult.
Managing them using a spreadsheet isn’t practical and CRM tools are time-consuming...
Mia acts as:
Mia, when you truly mean “STAY IN TOUCH!”
Mia helps you keep the interesting conversation going long after your first interaction so you don’t lose the momentum!
Your Mia app scans business cards on both sides to collect and save all contact information.
You have the option to add the contact manually by writing their emails or by choosing them from your contact list.
Leave a note reflecting your interest in a new connection, along with a summary of your first conversation.
Send your contactless business card (Mcard) to new connections on their emails so you stay connected.
Stay on top of someone’s mind after networking by getting timelynotifications from Mia to message them.
Capitalize on your first impression by continuously delivering your brand value through personal messages.
Show that you are thoughtful!
Show up where others are not.
Stay consistent in your socializing efforts.
Make it personal.
Benefit from the convenience of seamless interactions.
Close more deals just by staying connected.